A large portion of my senior project was shooting with a multitude of different cameras to test out different camera types, play with different features, etc. Now that it's over I'm continuing the project, but below are some of best photos developed from the series:

Argus C-Four
This was my first time shooting with a split-image rangefinder; it was super light, fun to use, and I personally feel like the images were much sharper than average. The problem was a busted dial that eventually tore through a couple photos somewhere in the reel, meaning the entire camera had to be darkbagged (and even then a few shots came out incorrectly developed)

Minolta Maxxum SPxi
The first time I shot with this camera the images got internally exposed, but the second time I learned to darkbag the camera to actually get some photos out of it

Selfmade Pinhole
These are a few shots I took with a self-made pinhole, but the more I took the less I understood why some came out working and others didn't. I think I might try working on it more or making another one in the future, but for now I'm just adding these three shots here

Nikon N8008S
Maybe the only camera where I feel like the photo quality was visibly poorer: I got maybe two photos worth looking at and that's pretty much it

Pentax MZ10
This was the first camera I used for the project, which sucks because it's very clearly broken: it wouldn't take photos, stretched others, and eventually gave out completely and just ate through half of my film

Nikon N90S
One of the better rolls I got, along with the Argus. Super sharp quality, and I got some really good nature shots

Mamiya 645 Super
My first time shooting with regular format film (which is definitely more annoying to load/unload), but the larger problem was my first roll coming out completely, utterly blank with no explanation. It seems like there's a strong contrast, but it also seems more blurry than I normally get and the smaller number of shots per roll is also annoying
I also got stung a couple dozen times by a real prick of a beehive this excursion, but that's neither here or there

Simple Use Reloadable Film Cam
Tried out a secondhand Simple Use; I was expecting something of a higher quality, but the camera's meant to mimic the aesthetic of a disposable camera so that might be the point? The photos aren't the sharpest quality, but the bigger problem is losing photos to poor focal points